RAID: Shadow Legends Tier List Our tier list is designed to help you get an overall understanding of where champions can be used in the game. isn’t cruel set the same 15% ATK plus the ignores 5% of enemy DEF? Places an extra hit on enemies with less than 50% HP. There are 12 Campaign Stages, 4 Dungeon Keeps to farm potions for ascension (Void, Force, Magic, Affinity) and 4 Dungeon Bosses (Fire Knight’s Castle, Spider’s … I use her with apothecary in many teams, then i can survive in much dungeons. This is a summary of the Knight Revenant Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends. If you have any details to add please let us know in the comments below. @Quick Sand: Sinesha is specialized more towards Dungeons rather than Clan Boss. Places an extra hit on enemies with less than 50% HP. I use LifeSteal Set and Resist Set on Sinesha, so she can be always at full health to equalize all the allies to full health when the skill cooldown is reset. Here you can find Raid: Shadow Legends account for sale with Sinesha champion. Your email address will not be published. RAID shadow legends гайд на героя СИНЕША ! Affinity Raid Shadow Legends Hellfang Build – Artifacts & Masteries Guide. Sinesha mastery and equipment guide. Мы готовим к публикации много интересных гайдов и другой полезной информации. Ее основное место применения – это Арена и Гнездо Паучихи. I dont see why shes above a champion like skullcrusher whose a common sight on 30M+ CB teams. Her Mastery’s are wrong for clan boss – the picture shows “Single out” but the lists says “Whirlwind of death”. However, if you are using her for a powerful nuker to pair with Skullcrown, Helmsmasher is the recommended choice. Happy New Year to you guys! These 2 champions make a great pair in Dungeon Speed Run. Ее основной элемент Сила. Does it go from 10% > 20% > 30% > 45% > 60%? Seems useful if a allie is critical? Is the put targets skill on cooldown not worth landing at higher levels? Lvl. Raid: Shadow Legends is a new mobile RPG game set in a fantasy world of Teleria. Leave a comment on the article if you spot mistakes or would like to share some info not shown here or notify if guide is outdated or missing something! HERO Fraction Element Type Rarity; Sinesha: Knight Revenant: Force: Support: Epic: Armina: Barbarians: Magic: Attack: Thanks. This information is not set in stone and should all depend on your personal account and where you are in the game. 1 255 Sinesha should be god tier imo. Her A2 is guaranteed to attempt to Proc, but is still subject to an ACC vs opponent’s RES check. FACTION: Knight Revenant RARITY: Epic ROLE: Support AFFINITY: Force USABILITY: Mid-Late Game TOMES: 13 (A2 A3), Health Points (HP): 17,340 Attack (ATK): 892 Defense (DEF): 1,255 Speed (SPD): 101 Critical Rate (C.RATE): 15% Critical Damage (C.DMG): 50% Debuff Resistance (RESIST): 30 Debuff Accuracy (ACC): 0, ★★★★★ Campaign ★★★★★ Arena Defense ★★★★★ Arena Offense ★★★★✰ Clan Boss ★★★★★ Faction Wars, ★★★★★ Minotaur’s Labyrinth ★★★★★ Spider’s Den ★★★✰✰ Fire Knight’s Castle ★★★★★ Dragon’s Lair ★★★★★ Ice Golem’s Peak, ★★★★★ Void Keep ★★★★★ Force Keep ★★★★✰ Spirit Keep ★★★★★ Magic Keep, ★★★★✰ Magma Dragon ★★★✰✰ Nether Spider ★★★★✰ Frost Spider ★★★★✰ Scarab King, Burning Wave [ATK] Attacks all enemies. Knight Revenant Puts the target's skills on cooldown. Recommendations for all-around use mastery? I just got Sinesha and am leveling her up. Best team for Ice Golem Beating Ice Golem’s peak can be very difficult, which is why you want a team … Puts the target’s skills on cooldown. Overview FACTION: Demonspawn RARITY: Rare AFFINITY: Spirit ROLE: Attack Raid Shadow… You can also use Doompriest to remove the Stun debuff from allies. just wondering why most builds say Offense and not Cruel? 17 340 2 Damage +5% Lvl. See more ideas about raid, shadow, raid: shadow legends. @Daryl Gursslin: The artifacts here are for reference. I would go for Reliquary Tender in Clan Boss as she can provide Decrease Attack and Remove Stun Debuff from Clan Boss attacks while providing some Continuous Healing. This is a general Tier List for the Champions in RAID: Shadow Legends. It’s better to mitigate damage with plenty of Increase Defense Buff and Ally Protection Buff, while the healing can be taken care with Lifesteal Set. Level 2: Damage +5% Level 3: Damage +5% Level 4: Damage +5% Level 5: Damage +5% Damage Multiplier: 3 ATK, Vaporize [ATK] (Cooldown: 4 turns) Attacks 1 enemy. ATK 42 thoughts on “ Sinesha | KR-ESF | Raid Shadow Legends Skill Mastery Equip Guide ” Tom Chapman Barros-Wing February 13, 2021 at 2:43 AM @Azta: You’re confusing Accuracy and Chance to Proc. She also provides passive direct healing which is equivalent to a 7.5% Continuous Heal. Hi, I only use sinesha for auto spider 20 as the thank, she is on Vamp set and with Valkiery works really well. I’m using her in Dungeons, Arena and Campaign. Each Champion is listed with their Rarity, Type and known skills. Will Sinesha benefit from a Stun gear set? So you do want a lot of ACC for Sinesha for that Cooldown effect to actually work. Or does it only work if they’re already below 50% when you use it? Only 5 of the leading 25 apps were games. Level 2: Damage +5% Level 3: Damage +5% Level 4: Damage +5% Level 5: Cooldown -1 Damage Multiplier: 6.9 ATK, Immortality (Cooldown: 6 turns) Equalizes the HP of all allies. @Izrazel: Yes, if you mainly use her in Clan Boss and Dungeons, Warmaster is a better choice compared to Helmsmasher. Faction Please consider whitelisting ads here to support this website. Sinesha vs Armina. Aura Increases Ally HP in Faction Crypts by 31%. Try out 1+ million Champion Builds and fight for glory on the battlefield and in the arena! Bros should I up sinesha over reliquary or doompriest to lvl 60? Is she worth it?…..mainly want a good support in CB….is she even required as I have an apothecary??? @Fongle: If the first hit from Sinesha’s A1 drops the target’s current HP below 50%, it will trigger the 2nd hit. Raid: Shadow Legends tier list, secrets and tips. Sinesha over Zathalot? Guides Champions Hero sets Compare Buffs Tools EN UK RU Sinesha vs Armina. Needful to get her maxed eigener? Support In some newer champions, I see a lot of, say, Attack/Fatal or ACC/Perception. 1 ★★★★★ Legendary 2 ★★★★ Epic 3 ★★★ Rare 4 ★★ Uncommon 5 ★ Common Синеша Raid Shadow Legends - это герой из союза "Падшие" фракции "Отступники". In some cases, I think some also just haven’t been fully updated. does accuracy affect her A2 ? In my specific case wouldn’t be better to have warmaster rather than helmsmasher? Does Sinesha’s A1 double hit proc if the first hit lowers them below 50%? HP And feel like Stun will help me a lot for wave control. ... #1 MOST DYNAMIC COMBO: SKULLCROWN + SINESHA GUIDE! SPD The realm of Teleria is under a Shadow cast by the Dark Lord Siroth in the east. Does her Immortality skill increase by flat percents, or minor percents? Find out more on this Raid Shadow Legends codex. Raid Shadow Legends HP champions,2021年1月30日 — Defiled Sinner | UH-EAF | Raid Shadow Legends Skill Mastery Equip Guide. @Bruce Her debuff doesn’t require ACC, it’s guaranteed trigger. 15% 101 Why not use Timely intervention? Синеша Raid Shadow Legends – это герой из союза “Падшие” фракции “Отступники”. Sinesha’s kit is everything a tank needs in this fight: massive damage A1 for the lifesteal, a powerful A2 heal, and a powerful A3 heal. The story is about Shadow projected by a dark lord. Thoughts? Home RAID: Shadow Legends Champions Sinesha Guide: Skills, Best Gears & Masteries - Advertisement - All of the Sinesha’s information, … Or does it go 10% > 11% > 12% > etc? The HP levels of all allies will be brought up to the level of the ally with the highest HP. I know it is a bit late for Christmas characters but I hope you guys dig it anyway. Raid: Shadow Legends is a character based strategy RPG that sees your selection of champions face off against monsters and other champions in a fight for victory. Champion Rankings Tier List. 6* Ascended Stats Weapon, Helmet, Shield, Gauntlets, Chestplate, Boots, Artifact Sets), then you can pick other primary stats for Sinesha’s banner. ie. Her skill 2 is affected by accuracy? The HP levels of all allies will be brought up to the level of the ally with the highest HP. RESIST In assigning equipment, I’ve put 1 Speed set, 1 Cruel (ATK +15%, Ignore 5% enemy def) and 1 Divine Offense (ATK +15%, +15% HP Self Shield 3 turns). Ее основное место применения - это Арена и Гнездо Паучихи. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Getting her another turn whole team mates get crit might be a heal that saves everyone? Here you will collect Champions, train and equip them to defeat the forces of evil that seek to destroy the world. Sinesha brings a healing ability as well which means she has fantastic utility for Faction Wars in a faction short of healers. Can Warmaster proc twice on her A1 when the enemy is below 50% health? Ее основной элемент Сила. Would ACC be better than Resist for the banner or shoot for higher ACC instead? Sinesha I’ll create a another mastery set specifically for Clan Boss and Mastery to optimize her build. GUIDE DE MAÎTRISE Sinesha ARÈNE, CAMPAGNE, GUERRES DE FACTIONS, BOSS DE CLAN, DONJONS : Pour revenir au autres pages du WIKI : Liste des meilleurs champions; Wiki Complet sur Raid Shadow Legends (accueil) She could also revive fallen ally champion, so your Clan Boss runs can last even longer. @vroblox: Yes, Sinesha requires accuracy to inflict increase skill cooldown on enemies skill. Health Points: 17,340: Attack: 892: Defense: 1,255: Speed: 101: Critical Rate: 15%: Critical Damage: 50%: Debuff Resistance: 30: Debuff Accuracy: 0: Sinesha's Basic Info. C. RATE Mmmmm…s tier is too high. Sinesha. 4 Damage +5% C. DMG Level 2: Heal +10% Level 3: Heal +10% Level 4: Heal +15% Level 5: Heal +15% Level 6: Cooldown -1. Role I never see her on CB teams. Krampus for the Raid Shadow Legends 2020 Concept Art Contest. Его основная роль в команде – Поддержка. I realize 350 scrolls is a lot but it seems wasteful to not use it? Required fields are marked *. Her A2 is guaranteed to attempt to Proc, but is still subject to an ACC vs opponent’s RES check. ive seen her skill cooldown be resisted so im just not sure. The various other day I tweeted something I noticed in the application shop. @Daryl Gursslin I think, largely, they’re all going for the most basic items and the easiest farmed. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. why Offense set instead of Cruel? Fast delivery, wide choice and secure accounts only @Tom: I have updated Sinesha’s Clan Boss and Dungeons mastery text according to the image. You can use better versions of it similarly to Offense Set. RAID: shadow legends гайды Неофициальный фан сайт Гайды Герои Наборы героев Сравнение Бафы Интсрументы EN UK RU Синеша Tayrel—Debuffer, Damage. Sinesha RAID: Shadow Legends • Info Skills Equipment Mastery Guide. Dungeons and Arena for sure, but will likely use her for CB too. Sinesha’s strongest area of the game is the Arena especially when set up in a Blender composition partnered with another AOE A1 champion and an Ally attack champion. The only dungeon I use her on is spider. Герой атаки или поддержки - Топовые игры 2020 на андроид Heals the ally with the lowest HP by 25%. Then heals the target ally by 10% of their MAX HP. Гайд по герою Синеша в игре Raid Shadow Legends Все здесь - Таланты, навыки и характеристики для этого героя, а также многое другое. If you have Lifesteal on Sinesha (highly recommend! Your email address will not be published. That would determine if she’s worth booking or not. @DuffmanBFO: Warmaster procs once regardless on the number of hits. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Places an extra hit on enemies with less than 50% HP. DEF She is one of my best. Welcome to! Thank you! Put Target’s Skill Cooldown is a very powerful skill against non-boss enemies especially in Arena. @Tara: I have double-confirmed on my side with my Level 60 Sinesha and she still retains the base Speed of 101. You will only get to unlock this Speed once she is 6 Star fully ascended with potions. Elhain, a starter champion, also has Extra Hit on her A1 skill and will proc Warmaster multiple times (first time for the first hit, second time for the Extra Hit) when the Warmaster procs within 60% success rate. For puts the target’s skills on cooldown. or is it because it’s easy to farm Offense sets through campaign? ), I would suggest choosing ‘Bring It Down’ mastery instead of ‘Lore of Steel’. Sinesha | KR-ESF | Raid Shadow Legends Skill Mastery Equip Guide. help me to shoose the best. 1 Retaliation Set, 1 Speed Set 2 Offense Set, 1 Speed Set 1 Lifesteal Set, 1 Speed Set, 1 Retaliation Set, 1 Resist Set 1 Lifesteal Set, 1 Speed Set, ATK%, C.RATE, C.DMG, SPD, RESIST Weapon (ATK) Helmet (HP) Shield (DEF) Gauntlets (C.RATE / C.DMG) Chestplate (ATK%) Boots (SPD) Ring (ATK / DEF) Amulet (C.DMG / DEF) Banner (RESIST), Raid Shadow Legends Sinesha Champion Guide by ASH, Raid Shadow Legends Sinesha Champion Guide by Chofly. Sinesha belongs to "Knight Revenant" faction under the The Corrupted army . Homepage. Синеша (Sinesha) ... База знаний по игре Raid: Shadow Legends находится в процессе наполнения. However, for Extra Hits it will consider as a new attack and will proc another Warmaster if it’s within the 60% success rate. Weaknesses? RAID: Shadow Legends is a turn-based, fantasy-themed, role-playing gacha game, which can be played on mobile, PC and MAC. By Chris K Oct 27, 2020. Then heals the target ally by 10% of their MAX HP. Heals the ally with the lowest HP by 25%. My Divine Offense gear is slightly better than the Cruel stuff, so I’m wondering if I put 2 sets of Divine Offense on her, would I get +30% ATK and +30% Self Shield? You can use the Clan Boss mastery for Sinesha. Hellfang is an attack champion from demonspawn faction. uys i need help , i have her in lvl 60 , but idk which is the best state for her (stune , lifesteal) and aslo the best mastry ??? I’m thinking 4 Stun and 2 Regen. I have not tried Stun Set on Sinesha since I do not have any good primary stats and substats on them. Oh sorry, I mixed the lists, Sinesha and Elhain are both fine. Players will need to assemble a team of champions to battle against the enemy. Force when she revenges every turn she should have the chance to proc warmaster on the boss too right? @Bruce: If you can get sufficient Accuracy from her main equipment (e.g. Tomb Lord Legendary Spirit skills: Dec SPD, Poison, Dec ATK, Dec DEF Bystophus Legendary Force @Kuppz: Stun Set will benefit most to Champions that has AoE attack on their A1 default skill. Raid Shadow Legends Tier Lists. Just wondering if this is plausible before I waste the silver switching her artifacts around. When did her base speed get nerfed I just pulled her and it’s 94 now? Raid Shadow Legends is a game for android that brings a player into the domain of Telleria. Ability 1: Burning Wave[ATK] Attacks all enemies. 0. Does Stun have a chance of occuring twice when her second attack triggers? Dec 11, 2020 - Explore Rodney Maine's board "Raid: shadow legends" on Pinterest. Got gim fully build. She brings the fringe benefit of topping off the team if a spider attack gets through. , Also she is in the list for characters with an extra turn, its just an extra hit, Wont help on relentless sets, wont reduce the cooldown and buff/debuff durations. Sinesha—Tank. Please advise, thank you! Please feel free to comment below if you have a different opinion on anything in this list. @Azta: You’re confusing Accuracy and Chance to Proc. If the enemy resist stat is higher than Sinesh’a accuracy stat, the chances of it being resisted is higher. RAID: shadow legends guides Unofficial fan site. Pair both Reliquary Tender and Apothecary to make a Speed Run Clan Boss team. Raid: Shadow Legens is a mobile Turn-Based Battle MMORPG. 30 Compare champions. Sinesha is a epic assist champion from the faction Knight Revenant doing force damage. It gives an indication of the ranking of each champion for their overall usefulness in the game based on various sources. Game Helper - the art of winning video games. Playing Raid Games - Bringing the best raid shadow legends guides & champions. 50% Should I use one of the above or another variation for Mastery? hopefully this will help some other players! @Torvy: Sinesha isn’t the best champion for Clan Boss and I would not recommend using her there as she does not provide any debuffs or buffs apart from healing. She brings the fringe benefit of topping off the team if a spider attack gets through. ACC But yes maybe in late game she’s noticable, when u got all other op heroes . keep up your amazing work! В нашем магазине аккаунтов RAID: Shadow Legends вы сможете купить начальный аккаунт со связкой героев Синеша, Мадам Серрис и Ледяная Банши.
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